Healing Your Third Eye Chakra

Next, our Third Eye Chakra πŸ’™

*let's start with a collective deep breath together*


The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra. Its element is light and is associated with insight, intuition, awareness, and guidance.

Awakening your third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception.

Do you trust your intuition? Do you have healthy thought patterns? The third eye chakra says, "I SEE"

What are some signs that your third eye chakra is blocked?

Feeling stuck in your daily routine. Unable to see the bigger picture. Rejection of everything spiritual. Lack of clarity. Not being able to establish a vision for yourself. Not being able to choose the right path or make good decisions for yourself. Unable to detach yourself from your emotions in order to accurately see and evaluate your situations in life.

An overactive third eye chakra, while also having the rest of your chakras blocked, may manifest as fantasies that appear more real than reality.

An imbalanced third eye chakra may manifest as anxiety, depression, eyesight issues, headaches, migraines, and difficulty concentrating.
source: learning-mind & chakras.info

How to open your third eye chakra -- 

Decipher what you believe to be true and what is genuinely true. You may have been told something about yourself or your life, or about what you can and can't do, and because you accepted someone's truth about your life, you've now learned to believe it as truth

I'll use myself as an example. I remember in the 7th grade, a boy that I had a crush on told me that my eyes were too far apart. -_- Middle schoolers are so cruel lol... It may seem like a small example, but let me tell y'all how not only did I believe it, I accepted it as truth, and it really hurt my little 12-year-old self's self-esteem. And the crazy part, over 15 years later, it still triggers me a little, the words of a 12-year-old boy and I can't even remember his name. 

Think about what you were made to believe your entire life, whether it was about your body image, your weight, your personality, maybe someone said you were too much or too extra or too bossy or too loud or too mean, or maybe someone made you believe you weren't smart, or maybe someone made you believe you could never do this or you could never be that, and notice how it has manifested as fact within your thought patterns. These unhealthy thought patterns that you've now accepted as truth can affect your esteem, your confidence, and your entire life if you continue to let it. 

Decide today that it's no longer true. Those thoughts no longer have room here. Look in the mirror and reaffirm your truth. Anytime you're triggered by a thought that you once believed was truth say to yourself, "I don't believe that about myself anymore."

Another way to open your third eye is by controlling your mind and witnessing your freedom beyond the realms of β€˜realistic illusion.’ Remember that ultimately nothing is holding you back – it is only your mind that has power over you. So by taking control over the mind, you can then ascend any limitations you currently have.

Your thoughts hold soooooo much power. Transforming your thoughts, and becoming aware of your thought patterns can reallllly change your life. 

LIVE IN FREEDOM. This means surrendering to the flow of life. Everything is moving just as it's supposed to move. Do you believe that? Do you trust that? 

Embrace your time on this earth without fear of what's next. Every experience is only a gateway into the next lesson of existence. Trust that. Feel that. Everything is divine. Surrender. Let go of any limitations that are mentally holding you back. Breathe. Live. Live freely. Live passionately. Live lovingly. Live openly. 

Have you ever met someone, or entered into a room, or had an interview for a job -- and you just KNEW the vibes were all the way off like you just knew something was not right. But you proceeded with the person, or you stayed in that room, or you accepted that job -- then hours, days, weeks, or months later a negative situation occurred. 

Your intuition wants to help you. Your intuition wants to guide you. All you have to do is trust yourself. Trust that feeling. 

There ain't no substitute for the truth
Either it is or isn't
You see the truth it needs no proof
Either it is or it isn't
Now you know the truth by the way it feels

Channelled Song: India Arie x The Truth 

Third Eye Chakra Mockup.png

The affirmation we created for this chakra is, "I am intuitive, wise, and open. I trust the divine timing of my life."

If you feel disconnected from your intuition.
If you have difficulty assuming responsibility.
If you lack imagination.
If you find it hard to accept new ideas or opinions that are different from your own.
If you cannot seem to find meaning in life.
If you are constantly feeling trapped by fears, anxieties, or depressive moods.
If you have difficulty concentrating or retaining information.
If you have negative thought patterns.

If any of the above resonates with you, please know that you are not alone. You are not broken, you are whole. You are complete. By working on opening this chakra, you are simply nurturing and caring for yourself to operate as your best self and make your life more delicious, sweet, and enjoyable -- you deserve that.

Here's a gentle reminder -- the healing never stops, but it does get easier as you become more aware and take control of your body and emotions.

This third eye chakra affirmative t-shirt will come in DARK BLUE and unisex sizes, and will be available for purchase on 1.26.21 πŸ’™

Enjoy our Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation video below to also assist you in opening this chakra.