Make Room
When you ask God for something, you have to be ready and willing to receive it; so tell me – have you made room?
The power of manifestation is so beautiful, isn’t it?
Think about what you are currently manifesting, and ask yourself, does it have the proper space and opportunity to show up in my life?
It doesn’t matter if you’re manifesting a love that moves the heavens and earth, a multi-million dollar business, or even peace of mind – during this season of preparation, you have to make room.
Manifesting a love in high favor –
Think about your past relationships and evaluate how you currently feel about your past partners. Are there any negative emotions that show up? Are you still triggered? Are you still hurt? If so, you need to handle that BEFORE your new successful relationship can manifest because it’s still taking up space.
Think about your future husband on his way to you and actually showing up, but you have no space for him – that wouldn’t only be unfair to him, but it is also something God wouldn’t do.
God isn’t going to send something that we’re not ready for. And not making the proper space and changes in our personal lives are the indicator that we’re not ready.
Think about the reverse, if you meet a man who is still clinging on to baggage from his past and still emotionally tied to previous relationships, what does that mean to you? he’s not ready or emotionally available; and there is NO SPACE, right? right.
Now if you’re saying to yourself right now, hey, I have no emotional ties to my past and no negative emotions come up when I think about my exes, all is well on my end.
What about any past energy?
I remember I was talking to a prophet around October ‘19 (long story on how we got connected lol) but she was saying she felt some of my ex’s energy around me? And during this time, I was actually dating someone who I was really interested in and I hadn’t even thought about my ex. So I’m like girl, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
So, she asked me if I had any of my ex’s items still in my space? Now, one Christmas, a couple years ago, my ex bought me a robe and I still had that hanging on the back of my door, because I still used it pretty often. Now I loveeeeeee robes, so I didn’t think I had to get rid of this item because we not only ended on good terms, but I didn’t have any negative feelings about him or the gift. The prophet told me, no, that item is still carrying energy, and though I may not feel it, my subconscious does, and it is energetically taking up space. She continued to explain that though I may not be emotionally still attached to the relationship, my EX might still be attached, and holding on to the item is subconsciously holding on to the energy. So, letting go of this item and wishing them well, would free the energy and allow both of us to properly heal.
The concept instantly made sense to me and I got rid of the item.
If you have a gift or something that belongs to a previous partner, I would suggest either giving them their items back, getting rid of the items, or giving them away.
You must make room!
Are you subconsciously holding on to anything from a past relationship? Are there any hidden feelings that still surface at the thought of your previous partners? these wounds may even go beyond romantic partnership. how is your relationship with your parents? maybe you have a relationship that needs your forgiveness? I urge you to open this wound, heal it, then free it.
God wants to send you this beautiful package full of your blessings, abundance and high favor, but it won’t be delivered until there’s room.
Make room.
Sending you love, always.