Chapter Harmony

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To Be Loved Is To Be Seen & I’m Not Afraid To Be Seen Trying!

Chapter Harmony Celebrates Six Years! To Be Loved Is To Be Seen & I’m Not Afraid To Be Seen Trying
How Releasing Perfectionism Has Invited Me to Freedom

I can’t believe it’s been six years since I first launched this platform. Thank you for showing up, reading, and growing with me through every season. Admittedly, the ‘me’ six years ago would’ve hoped that I could be more consistent here, would’ve hoped that I could push through, releasing content weekly regardless of how hard life, life’s. The ‘me’ six years ago is probably rolling her eyes, chile!! 

Me to me: sorry, girl.

The truth is, when you’re doing something new, you either succeed, you fail then quit, or you fail then keep trying.

I’ve been thinking about this idea of letting myself be seen when I’m in that vulnerable, “not-there-yet” stage. When you know you don’t want to quit, but the risk of failing feels unnervingly high. It’s a tad bit scary… or even, embarrassing, right? I set out a goal for myself, everyone knows of said ‘goal’, but yet, I’m..still..not..there..yet. 

But can I share something with you that has freed me? 

I’m not afraid to be seen trying anymore.

Releasing perfectionism has invited me into a freedom I didn’t know existed. When I stop demanding perfection from myself, I can actually enjoy the process. I can celebrate the small moments of progress, laugh at my own stumbles, and most importantly – learn from them. 

The truth is, failing can actually lead us somewhere beautiful. Think about it:

  • Failing at a relationship can open the door to the love of your life. It’s rarely a straight line from “hello” to “happily ever after.” Unless you’re a lucky unicorn who married your first love, odds are you found your person by trying, failing, and trying again.

  • Muscle failure happens when you can’t complete another rep with proper form. Yet this is how bodybuilders and powerlifters grow stronger! You literally build muscle by failing.

Life is full of ebbs and flows—our energy, the weather, our moods. One day you’re on an upward spiral, the next you’re feeling off. This is all part of the human experience: changing, evolving, letting go, and trying again.

Here’s how I’m embracing this shift toward freedom:

  1. Redefine Failure
    If something doesn’t work out, ask, “What can I learn from this?” rather than “Why am I not perfect yet?” 

  2. Give Yourself Permission to Try (and to quit)
    Trying something new—whether it’s a hobby, a relationship, or a career path—can be exhilarating if you let it be. I’ve found so much joy by granting myself permission to be a beginner. Also, Give Yourself Permission to Quit. After you try something new and you realize this isn’t for you – it’s okay to put it down and keep giving yourself permission to try new things! Who cares! This is your life, babe. 

  3. Remember the Ebbs and Flows
    Just like seasons change, everything in life has its cycle. Embrace each season for what it offers. Some days you will, some days you won’t. And that’s okay!

  4. Surround Yourself with Encouragers
    Find the people who cheer for you when you’re struggling and high-five you when you succeed. Oh yes, those are your people. 

  5. Celebrate Every Win (Big & Small)
    Whenever you go from “one day” to “day one” acknowledge it. I am so proud of you. 

“I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try.”

Nikki Giovanni

Will you join me in welcoming the freedom to try? After all, it’s our first time here, and life is a big adventure anyway!

Affirmations to hold close to your heart today:

I am allowed to take up space, even when I’m still learning.

It’s okay for me to do things imperfectly—I’m still worthy.

Every attempt, whether it goes smoothly or not, is a step forward.

Mistakes are lessons, not life sentences.

I welcome growth and change, even if it’s messy sometimes.

I am capable of learning and adapting; I trust myself to figure things out.

I embrace the journey instead of chasing a perfect end goal.

My value isn’t tied to my performance or others’ approval.

It’s safe for me to be seen in my vulnerability.

Every day is another chance to love myself in progress, not just in completion.

Here’s to six incredible years of Chapter Harmony—thank you for being part of this community, thank you for trying alongside me.

Sending you all my love, 
